Have you ever felt that you were missing something to be completely yourself and enjoy life?

Most of us live on autopilot. In all our activities, we are constantly adapting to society in order to fit in and stay integrated. Sometimes we fade to its advantage, we lose a part of our personality and energy, because we lose something that is fundamental to us.

We are talking about the importance of our connection with ourselves, with this strong identity within us that guides us in our lives, that protects us in difficult times and that is the source of our prosperity.

We believe that we must maintain this connection, preserve it, nurture it, develop it, because it allows us to draw the essential strength for life, to undertake and realise ourselves. And to do this, Laurent Dubosq has created Awakning, a brand that helps us draw this energy from the deep values we share with Eastern philosophies.

Awakning Buddhist Jewelry  logo - Illustration of a human being meditating
The Awakning logo

Awakning : The first brand of modern Buddhist jewelry

Awakning without "e", because in Buddhism we focus on and keep what is really important, was developed by Laurent Dubosq from 2017 to 2021 to design a brand that allows people living in our modern Western societies to draw energy from the spiritual values they share with Eastern philosophies to assert themselves and find well-being and harmony.

To motivate people to connect with themselves, progress on their development path, express their deepest values and draw energy from themselves to live well, Awakning offers multiple types of modern Buddhist jewelry that are suitable to be worn with different dress codes, on a variety of occasions.

Infinite Wisdom of the Tree of Life Charm Bracelet - Seen from top
Infinite Wisdom of the Tree of Life Charm Bracelet

Elegant products with essential symbols

Our products are intended to cover your needs to draw the necessary energy for your daily life, your events, your meditative and sports sessions as well as during your days of rest, by offering a selection of jewelry, from charm bracelets to 108 malas beads and bracelets with a touch of elegance and prestige.

Our jewelry is intended to be adapted to the tastes and lifestyles of our customers living in modern societies and to accompany them in their development. Following these rules, oriental philosophical symbols in our jewelry following current trends are integrated harmoniously. This is why we want to offer products with original and modern designs and continue to evolve our product selection.

Each of our jewelry pieces carries a specific teaching inherited from Eastern philosophies that encourages and stimulates the wearer to draw all the positive facts for their personal flourishing.

We are committed to offering jewelry that is affordable and meets the most common needs. Following this commitment we are able to offer you both pieces of jewelry and synthetic stones as well as 925 silver pieces and natural stones at a fair price.

Hazardous materials are not used in our jewelry and potentially allergenic materials are reported to potential buyers.

Laurent Dubosq, founder & CEO of Awakning at the entrance of Kiyomizu Dera in Kyoto in 2018.
Laurent Dubosq, founder & CEO of Awakning at the entrance of Kiyomizu Dera in Kyoto in 2018

A founder who could be you

"Hello, I am Laurent Dubosq, a -year-old Frenchman. For 20 years, I have been working on my personal development. Like many other people, I read, I travel and learn everything that life, cultures, philosophy, religions and sciences have to teach us in order to grow.

Over the years, one path has strongly contributed to my development, that of the Asian cultures. The philosophies surrounding these cultures have provided us with a legacy of knowledge, wisdom, inner strength and developmental skills that are still being taught after 2500 years.

After entering my thirties, time was beginning to take its toll, I wanted to take a new path, to free myself from the importance of money, to give more sense to my life. I realised that this accomplishment could only be made if I offered something important to others, something that had purpose. And all the benefits I received while wearing my Buddha bracelet during my daily western life showed me the way. Because this bracelet enabled me to reconnect with the deep spiritual values that are fundamental to me, to make me feel and enabled me to draw on the energy associated with them to face life. And these deep values, were at the heart of East Asian cultures and their philosophies.

Having worked in web design and e-commerce for more than 7 years, it was quite obvious to combine all my passions to bring something to others, to create a modern spiritual jewelry brand respectful of oriental values and to allow people who identify with it to be able to connect to it and draw the energy they attach to it, for their personal fulfillment. This is how the Awakning brand was naturally born."

Signature of Laurent dubosq, founder & CEO of Awakning

Explore our Product Collections

Charm Bracelets


Elegance Bracelets


108 Malas Beads